








    Fenicia SpAPzza Cavour, 3 20121 | Milan (MI) | Italy P. IVA 00111130829, as Data Controller of personal data, in the person of its pro-tempore legal representative.


    DPO If you want to contact our Data Protection Officer - DPO, you can doeasily by writing an e-mail to .


    This cookie policy has the specific purpose of illustrating the types and methods of use as well as providing information on the actions to reject or delete the cookies on the website, if desired.

    What are cookies and how are they used:

    Cookies are small text strings that the visited sites send to the user's terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, notebook), where they are stored, to be then re-transmitted to the same sites at the next visit. The purpose of the cookie is to remember the user's actions and preferences, for example the navigation language, so that it does not have to be indicated again when the user navigates from one page to another on the same site or returns to it. a later time. Cookies are therefore used to authenticate, monitor browsing sessions and store information regarding user activities for statistical or advertising purposes. While browsing a site, the user can also receive cookies from web servers other than the one he is visiting on his computer or mobile device. These cookies are called "third party cookies". Cookies cannot collect any information stored on the user's computer or files.

    Cookies can be:

    - Of "session" which are stored on the user's computer for mere technical-functional needs, for the transmission of session identifiers necessary to allow safe and efficient exploration of the site; they are deleted at the end of the "session" (hence the name) when the browser is closed. This type of cookie avoids the use of other IT techniques that are potentially prejudicial to the privacy of users' browsing;

    - "persistent" which remain stored on the hard drive of the computer until their expiry or cancellation by users / visitors. Through persistent cookies, visitors who access the site (or any other users who use the same computer) are automatically recognized at each visit. Persistent cookies satisfy many functions in the interest of surfers (such as the use of the navigation language or the registration of the online shopping cart. However, persistent cookies can also be used for promotional purposes or, even, for purposes of dubious lawfulness. Visitors can set their computer browser so that it accepts / rejects all cookies or displays a warning whenever a cookie is proposed, in order to be able to evaluate whether to accept it or not. The user is enabled , however, to change the default configuration (by default) and disable cookies (i.e. block them permanently).


    Based on the current legislation in Italy for the use of cookies ( ) three types of cookies have been identified:

          A. Technical and aggregate statistical cookies

    Among the technical cookies, which do not require express consent for their use and which are divided into navigation cookies and session cookies , the Guarantor for the protection of personal data includes , in addition to technical and aggregate statistical cookies , the:

    • "Analytics cookies", when used directly by the site manager to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site and if suitable tools are adopted to reduce the identifying power of the analytical cookies they use (for for example, by masking significant portions of the IP address) and subject to contractual obligations between sites and third parties, in which the commitment of the third party is expressly referred to or to use them exclusively for the provision of the service, to keep them separately and not "enrich them" or not "cross" them with other information they have. For the deactivation of Google Analytics ( so - called opt-out)
    • Navigation or session cookies (for example for authentication);
    • Functionality cookies, which allow the user to browse according to a series of selected criteria (for example the language, or a wishlist) in order to improve the service provided.
    • Cookies used and generated by the site

    B. Third party cookies

    By visiting a website you may receive cookies from sites managed by other organizations ("third parties") that may reside in Italy or abroad.

    An example present in most websites is represented by the presence of YouTube videos, Google API, use of Google Maps, and the use of "social plugins" for Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn. These are parts of the visited page generated directly by the aforementioned sites and integrated into the page of the host site. The most common use of social plugins is aimed at sharing content on social networks in order to increase the visitor's user experience.

    The presence of these plugins involves the transmission of cookies to and from all sites managed by third parties. The management of the information collected by "third parties" is governed by the relevant information to which reference should be made. To ensure greater transparency and convenience, the web addresses of the various information and methods for managing cookies are shown below, specifying that the Data Controller has no responsibility for the operation of third-party cookies on this Site.

    Google information: on the use of data at the link and complete information at the link

    Google (configuration): the general out-out guide for Google services (Maps, YouTube ...) is available at the web address

    Facebook information: and

    Facebook (configuration): log into your account. Privacy section. Or follow the various guides on the web for example

    Twitter information:

    Twitter (configuration): and -of-twitter  

    Linkedin information:

    Linkedin (configuration):

    Liability for third-party cookies not installed by the company

    The installation of cookies and other tracking systems operated by third parties through the services used within this site cannot be technically controlled by the Owner; for this reason, any specific reference to cookies and tracking systems installed by third parties is to be considered indicative. To obtain complete information, the user is invited to consult the privacy policy of any third party services listed in this document. If the user wishes to receive additional information and insights relating to the use of cookies through this site, he is invited to contact the data controller, e-mail: . Through the same contact details, the user can also request the updated list of all the Data Processors appointed by the Data Controller.

    The Privacy Guarantor expressed itself in the following terms: "It is necessary to take into account the different subject that installs cookies on the user's terminal, depending on whether it is the same operator of the site that the user is visiting (which can be briefly indicated as "publisher") or a different site that installs cookies through the first (so-called "third parties"). There are many reasons why it is not possible to put the editor in chief is obliged to provide the information and gain the consent to the installation of cookies in the context of your site even for those set up by "third parties." First of all, the publisher should always have the tools and the economic-legal capacity to take on the obligations of third parties and should therefore also be able to verify from time to time the correspondence between what is declared by the third parties and the purposes they actually have. prosecuted with the use of cookies. This is made very difficult by the fact that the publisher often does not directly know all the third parties that install cookies through its site and, therefore, not even the logic underlying the related treatments. Furthermore, not infrequently, between the publisher and the third parties there are subjects who perform the role of concessionaires, making it very complex for the publisher to control the activity of all the subjects involved. Third-party cookies could then be modified over time by third-party suppliers and it would be impractical to ask publishers to keep track of these subsequent changes as well. It should also be taken into account that publishers, which also include individuals and small businesses, are often the "weakest" part of the relationship. Whereas third parties are usually large companies characterized by considerable economic weight, they normally serve a plurality of publishers and can be, compared to a single publisher, even very numerous. It is therefore believed that, also for the reasons indicated above, the publisher cannot be obliged to include on the home page of its site also the text of the information relating to the cookies installed through it by third parties. This would also lead to a general lack of clarity in the information issued by the publisher , at the same time making it extremely difficult for the user to read the document and therefore to understand the information contained therein, thereby also nullifying the intention of simplification provided by Art. 122 of the Code , ( Ed. Today repealed ) . Similarly, with regard to the acquisition of consent for profiling cookies, having necessarily - for the above reasons to keep separate the respective positions of publishers and third parties - it is believed that the publishers, with whom users establish a direct relationship through access to the relative site, necessarily take on a double role. These subjects, in fact, on the one hand are data controllers with regard to the cookies installed directly from their site; on the other hand , since there is no joint ownership with third parties for the cookies they install through them, it is considered correct to consider them as a sort of technical intermediaries between them and the users. And it is, therefore, in this capacity that, as will be seen below, they are called to operate in this resolution, with reference to the release of the information and the acquisition of the consent of online users with regard to third-party cookies.

        C. User profiling cookies

    The profiling Cookies are those who instead aimed at creating their user profile and used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the same part of surfing the net. On this type of cookie it is necessary to request an explicit consent from the user. The Court of Justice of the European Union ( ) has recently expressed its opinion on this aspect, stating that consent is not validly expressed when the '' storage of information or access to information already stored in the user's terminal equipment of an Internet site through cookies are authorized by means of a pre-selected checkbox that the user must deselect in order to deny his consent. For further information, you can view the “ EDPB Guidelines no. 5 " at the following link ( ) . You can deny consent to profiling from the banner that appears on the website home.

    The following activities are saved from this session:

    - Activities strictly necessary for operation: this Application uses Cookies to save the User's session and to carry out other activities that are strictly necessary for the operation of the same, for example in relation to the distribution of traffic.

    - Activity regarding the saving of preferences, optimization and statistics: this Application uses Cookies to save browsing preferences and to optimize the User's browsing experience. These cookies include, for example, those to set the language and currency or for the management of statistics by the owner of the site or to retrieve the products entered and saved by the user in the cart .

    - Profiling cookies , including third parties, in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user as part of surfing the net .

    Other types of Cookies or third-party tools that could be used: Some of the services listed below collect statistics in aggregate form and may not require the consent of the User or could be managed directly by the Owner - depending on how they are described - without the help of third parties. If among the tools indicated below there were services managed by third parties, these could, in addition to what is specified and also without the knowledge of the Owner, perform User tracking activities. For detailed information on this, it is advisable to consult the privacy policies of the services listed.

    Interaction with social networks and external platforms: These services allow you to make interactions with social networks, or with other external platforms, directly from the pages of this Application. The interactions and information acquired by this Application are in any case subject to the User's privacy settings relating to each social network. In the event that an interaction service with social networks is installed, it is possible that, even if the Users do not use the service, it collects traffic data relating to the pages in which it is installed. - +1 button and Google+ social widgets (Google) The +1 button and Google+ social widgets are services for interacting with the Google+ social network, provided by Google Inc. Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage data. Place of processing: USA - Privacy Policy - Like button and Facebook social widgets (Facebook, Inc.) The "Like" button and Facebook social widgets are interaction services with the Facebook social network, provided by Facebook, Inc. Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage data. Place of processing: USA - Privacy Policy

    How can I disable and control the installation of Cookies?

    Most browsers accept cookies automatically; however, the user is free to express their preferences directly within their browser and prevent, for example, third parties from installing cookies. Furthermore, it is possible to delete previously installed cookies, including the cookie (possibly saved in the past) which provides consent for the installation of cookies by this site. It is generally recommended not to disable this function, since this could prevent you from moving freely from one page to another and enjoying all the peculiarities of the site. In any case, the user will find useful information and instructions regarding the management and elimination of cookies in the four most popular browsers:









    In addition to what is indicated in this document, the User can manage preferences relating to Cookies from the Alert Cookie Popup present on our site or directly within their browser and prevent - for example - third parties from installing them. Through the browser preferences it is also possible to delete the Cookies installed in the past, including the Cookie in which the consent to the installation of Cookies by this site is eventually saved . It is important to note that by disabling all cookies, the functioning of this site could be compromised. The User can find information on how to manage Cookies in his browser at the following addresses: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Microsoft Windows Explorer. In the case of services provided by third parties, the User can also exercise his right to oppose the tracking by inquiring through the privacy policy of the third party, through the opt out link if explicitly provided or by contacting the same directly. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Data Controller informs that the User can use Your Online Choices. Through this service it is possible to manage the tracking preferences of most advertising tools. The Data Controller therefore advises Users to use this resource in addition to the information provided in this document.